MUDA! collective wants to include Responsible Tourism in the international agenda and promotion of Brazil
Vivejar and five other Brazilian tourism companies decided to join forces to support responsible tourism in Brazil, betting in the power of collaboration and association. Together, Estação Gabiraba, Inverted America Travel, Uakari Lodge, Tropical Tree Climbing, Turismo Consciente and Vivejar have just launched MUDA! (“Change” in Portuguese) – Brazilian Collective for Responsible Tourism, with the objectives of strengthening the international promotion of responsible tourism in Brazil, influencing public policies in the sector and adding innovation and new values to the national itineraries and destinations.
“We believe in collaboration and partnership. That is why we are more than an association, we form a collective, where we bring together companies with products of similar values and proposals, based on responsible tourism, with the aim of leveraging our promotion, marketing and commercialization “, says Marianne Costa, founder of Vivejar. In addition to selling, MUDA! collective believes in the mission of educating and raising awareness of both consumers and the market.
“The market is not yet familiar with meaningful or community-based travel, for example, even if there is already an international demand for them. We need to study and understand how to communicate and market these travels”, adds Marianne.

Uakari Lodge, in the Brazilian Amazon, a member of MUDA! collectivem
“Our goal is to always work in partnership with Embratur – Brazilian Tourism Board, influencing public policies and bringing our expertise in responsible tourism to offer technical skills and products that are truly up to the most conscious international tourists”, explains Gustavo Pinto, director of Inverted America Travel.
In addition to combined promotion at international events and fairs and in the support of press and fam trips, MUDA! collective intends to design joint experiences that combine the companies’ products and differentiate the itineraries for travellers, extending their time of stay in the country. The main objective is to definitively position Brazil as an international destination for Responsible Tourism.
MUDA! – Coletivo Brasileiro pelo Turismo Responsável (Brazilian Collective for Responsible Tourism)
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