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Contrary to what many think, responsible tourism is not a segment of the travel market or a type of nature tourism.

In fact, it has much more to do with the attitudes we take, whether as travelers, business owners, or governments, in response to the impacts that tourism can cause, regardless of the segment.

But what kind of attitudes are these?

Responsible tourism is born from responsible choices

While traveling, you may have encountered a myriad of tempting experiences: forest trails, living with traditional communities, diving with animals, and the list goes on.

Many of them seem like a good choice at first glance, but if poorly managed, they can decisively contribute to the degradation of life and the environment in these destinations.

The question a responsible traveler should ask at these times is: how does my choice impact the place I’m visiting and the people who live there?

From this reflection, we realize that, in many cases, it is preferable to say no to certain experiences and practices to maintain our commitment to tourism that benefits everyone.

When saying no is the most responsible choice

Here are some occasions where saying no is what is expected from a traveler aware of their role:

  • No to animal exploitation: Wild animals should be observed freely and safely in their natural habitat.
  • No to improper waste disposal: Commit to preserving the destination by banning plastic and prioritizing suppliers who dispose of waste properly.
  • No to devaluing and exploiting communities: Support initiatives that help these communities strengthen their cultures and territories.
  • No to companies that ignore their impacts: Choose those that take concrete socio-environmental actions.

Saying yes to more responsible tourism

By avoiding these harmful practices, your horizon also opens up to new ways of viewing travel.

You start to understand, for example, that travels can also promote significant positive changes in destinations. Or that during a visit to a community, human experiences can be more authentic than you imagined.

Gradually, you integrate into the places you visit and respect them as your home.

And we, at Grupo Vivejar, as pioneers in developing responsible tourism in Brazil, will be more than happy to be your partner on this journey of commitments and discoveries.